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Interest Rate Policy

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had vide its Circular DNBS / PD / CC No. 95/ 03.05.002/ 2006-07 dated May 24, 2007 advised that Boards of Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFC's) lay out appropriate internal principles and procedures in determining interest rates, processing and other charges.

This was reiterated vide RBI's circular DNBS (PD) C.C. No. 133 / 03.10.001/ 2008-09 January 2, 2009, whereby which RBI advised the NBFCs to adopt appropriate interest rate model taking into account relevant factors and to disclose the rate of interest, gradations of risk and rationale for charging different rates of interest to different category of borrowers.

The company will apply best industry practices so long as such practice does not conflict with or violate RBI guidelines.

In order to ensure its standards of transparency, in conformity with the stipulations of the RBI's directives, the Company has adopted the following interest rate policy for determining Interest Rates, Processing and Other Charges. This Policy applies to clients whose loans are booked in the Company.

Interest Rate Model

The interest rate is based on following factors.

Tenor of the Loan – The interest rate charge will depend on the term of the loan; structure of the loan; terms of payment of interest.

Internal cost loading – The interest rate charged will also take into account costs of doing business.

Internal and External Costs of Funds - The rate of interest charged is also affected by the rate at which the funds necessary to provide loan facilities to customers are sourced normally referred to as the Company’s external cost of funds.

Internal cost of funds being the expected return on equity issued is also a relevant factor. The interest rate charged will also take into account costs of doing business.

Credit Risk – As a matter of prudence, bad debt provision cost should be factored into all transactions. This cost is then reflected in the final interest rate quoted to a customer. The amount of the bad debt provision applicable to a particular transaction depends on our internal assessment of the credit strength of the customer.

Other Factors – The rate of interest shall be based on the cost of borrowed funds, matching tenor cost, market liquidity, RBI policies on credit flow, offerings by competition, tenure of customer relationship, market reputation, cost of disbursements, inherent credit and default risk in the products and customer per se arising from customer segment, profile of the customers, stability in earning and employment, deviations permitted, ancillary business opportunities, future potential, group strength and overall customer yield, nature and value of primary and collateral securities, past repayment track record of the customers, external ratings of the customers, industry trends, switchover options, canvassed accounts etc.

The company may adopt discrete interest rate model whereby the rate of interest for same product and tenor availed during same period by customers would not be a standardized one but could be different for different customers depending upon consideration of any or combination of a few or all factors listed out above.

The annualized rate of interest would be intimated to the customer.

The interest rates would be offered on fixed, floating, variable basis.

Interest rates shall be intimated to the customers at the time of sanction/ availing of the loan and the equated installments/Balloon Payment/Bullet payment apportionment towards interest and principal dues shall be made available to the customer.

Other Charges

Besides interest, other financial charges like processing fees, origination fees, cheque bouncing charges, late payment charges, reschedulement charges, pre-payment / foreclosure charges, part disbursement charges, cheque swap charges, security swap charges, charges for issue of statement account etc., would be levied by the company wherever considered necessary. Besides these charges, stamp duty, service tax and other cess would be collected at applicable rates from time to time. Any revision in these charges would be from prospective effect. These charges would be decided upon by respective business / product heads in consultation with Operations, Finance and Legal Heads.

Objective of the policy

To arrive at the benchmark rates to be used for different types of customer segments and to decide on the principles and approach of charging spreads to arrive at final rates charged from customers.

Review of Policy

The Policy shall be reviewed once a year or in between if required due to changes required in the model, for example any addition/deletion of a particular component forming part of benchmark calculation.


Interest rates would be intimated to the customers at the time of sanction / availing of the loan.

Interest Rate Policy would be uploaded on the website of the company and any change in the benchmark rates and charges for existing customers would be uploaded on the web site of the Company.

Changes in the rates and charges for existing customers would also be communicated to them through either of mail, letter, SMS. 

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